format = """ [ ](bg:#FFFFFF fg:#CC0000)\ [](bg:#9A348E fg:#FFFFFF)\ $username\ [](bg:#DA627D fg:#9A348E)\ $directory\ [](fg:#DA627D bg:#5C3566)\ $git_branch\ $git_status\ [](fg:#5C3566 bg:#1A770B)\ $terraform\ [](fg:#1A770B bg:#86BBD8)\ $elixir\ $elm\ $golang\ $java\ $julia\ $nodejs\ $nim\ $python\ $rust\ $scala\ [](fg:#86BBD8 bg:#06969A)\ $docker_context\ [](fg:#06969A bg:#33658A)\ $time\ [](fg:#33658A)\ \n$character""" # [](#a3aed2)\ # Disable the blank line at the start of the prompt # add_newline = false # You can also replace your username with a neat symbol like or disable this # and use the os module below [username] show_always = true style_user = "bg:#9A348E" style_root = "bg:#9A348E" format = '[ Vips ]($style)' disabled = false # An alternative to the username module which displays a symbol that # represents the current operating system [directory] style = "bg:#DA627D" format = "[ $path ]($style)" truncation_length = 6 truncate_to_repo = false truncation_symbol = "…/" home_symbol = "~" # Here is how you can shorten some long paths by text replacement # similar to mapped_locations in Oh My Posh: [directory.substitutions] "Documents" = " " "Downloads" = " " "git" = "" "Music" = " " "Pictures" = "> " # Keep in mind that the order matters. For example: # "Important Documents" = " " # will not be replaced, because "Documents" was already substituted before. # So either put "Important Documents" before "Documents" or use the substituted version: # "Important " = " " [aws] symbol = "☁️ " style = "bg:#FCA17D" displayed_items = "profile" [docker_context] symbol = "🐋 " style = "bg:#06969A" format = '[ $symbol $context ]($style) $path' [elixir] symbol = " " style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [elm] symbol = " " style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [git_branch] symbol = "" style = "bg:#5C3566" format = '[ $symbol $branch ]($style)' [git_status] style = "bg:#5C3566" format = '[$all_status$ahead_behind ]($style)' [golang] symbol = " " style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [java] symbol = " " style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [julia] symbol = " " style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [nodejs] symbol = "" style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [nim] symbol = " " style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [python] symbol = " " style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [rust] symbol = "" style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [scala] symbol = " " style = "bg:#86BBD8" format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)' [terraform] symbol = "💠" style = "bg:#1A770B" format = '[ $symbol ($version)]($style)' [time] disabled = false time_format = "%R" # Hour:Minute Format style = "bg:#33658A" format = '[ $time ]($style)'